Chapter 4


“So Angel, where do you wanna go first?” Cindy asked Angel as they entered the mall.

“I don’t know, where do you guys want to go?” Angel responded.

“I wanna check out the gap if that’s ok with you guys?” Shelly spoke up.

“Ok, that’s cool. Let’s go.” Angel said as she headed off towards the large sign which said “The Gap” in big bold letters.

“So guys, how are your love lives going?” Angel asked as they entered the gap. Everyone just stared at her.

“You want to know how my love life is going?” Shelly asked shocked at Angel question. Angel nodded. “Well, I have no boyfriend, I have no love life, there you go.” Shelly said laughing.

“Come on Shel, you have to at least give me a little detail.” Angel stated.

“Ok, I have a crush, but I have had it for years now…it’s…it’s…it’s…”

“It’s who?” Cindy cut Shelly off acting as excited as Angel.

“It’s Nick.” Shelly said looking at the expressions on their faces.

“You have had a crush on him for years, who knew.” Cindy said putting her arms up in the air.

“Wow, big whoopee. You have a crush, on my brother. You have been friends with him for over ten years now and you finally tell us now.” Angel said surprised at what Shelly just said.

“Hey, it was supposed to be a crush. Don’t tell him please guys?” Shelly begged.

“We won’t” Angel said heading over to the cashier with a blue sweater that she picked out during their conversation.

“Angel you done now.” Cindy asked as they headed out the gap with bags in hand.

“Ya. Let’s go.” Angel said.


“knock, knock” Brian knocked on AJ’s door in the hotel.

“Yo B-rok, whats up?” AJ asked looking up from the book he was reading.

“Nothing much, hey did you see Nick lately?” Brian asked sitting down in the chair across from AJ.

“Yea, he looked a little down, do you know whats up with him?”

“Sorta but I’m not exactly sure. You might want to talk to him AJ, I think this is your field of conversation.”

“Oh…”AJ said.

“Girls.” They said in unison.