"Miss Smith?" the nurse asked as she helped clean Julie up, "Are you sure that you got in a fight with a woman?"

"Yes" Julie sighed

The nurse nodded, "Umm, did you know that you were pregnant?"

"I am?" She said softly

"Well, see you were, Miss Smith. But although you survived this fight, your baby didn't"

Julie bit her lip while looking away

"Ok, You're free to go. Do you have a ride?"

"Yea" she sighed sitting up, "Oww"

The doctor handed her a slip, this is for the pain, you can take it to any pharmacy"

"Thank you" she said walking off. She stopped at the phone and thought about calling AJ. She changed her mind and called Farrah.

"Hello?" A deep voice asked

"Kevin? I need to talk to Farrah"

Kevin mummbled something

"Hello?" Farrah asked

"I need you to come get me?"

"From where?"

"The hospital"

"Ok, what happened?" Farrah asked putting on her shoes

"I'll tell you when you get here"


"Jules" Farrah said, "Come on sweety"

Julie stood up and slowly walked with Farrah, "Farr, this isn't the way out"

"I know, I bought AJ with me. We split up to look for you"

"Oh no" Julie whispered as they saw AJ's back turned to them asking a nurse if they had seen Julie. The nurse pointed over his shoulder as AJ turned around.

He quickly walked over to them and wrapped Julie in his arms, "Are you ok?"

She nodded as they walked out.

"How come you didn't call me honny?" AJ asked

Julie looked at him before continuing to talk to Farrah's Explorer.

AJ helped her in the car before he get in the back.

"Age, maybe Julie could stay with me tonight. You know, so I could take care of her."

"It's ok, I can take care of her"

"oook" she said pulling up into AJ's huge house.

"Thanks Farrah" Julie said softly getting out.

AJ walked with her into the house. After closing the door he walked close to Julie. She flinched hoping he wouldn't hit her.

"Baby, don't be scared of me" He said hugging her tightly, "I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you this bad."

Julie slowly walked up the stairs and into the big master bathroom. She ran herself a hot bath with bubbles. AJ watched as she undressed and climbed into the large bathtub. He came and sat down on the ground next to the tub.

"AJ" she said softly


"Do you love me?"

"More than anything"

"Then why do you hit me?"

"I dunno" He said quietly

"You killed our baby"

"What baby?"

"I was pregnant AJ"

"I'm so sorry" he said as tears came to his eyes, "I'm so so sorry"

"You need major help."

"I know" he nodded, "I'll get some first thing in the morning."

Julie nodded knowing he was lying.

"I'm serious, baby, I'll get help. You mean the world to me ok?"


AJ took a wash cloth and slowly ran it over Julies body. He saw the water turning a light shade of red as the remaining blood came off of her. After he was done, he gently helped her out and dried her bruised body.

Julie climbed into bed without her clothes on. AJ got in next to her and pulled her close to him as her body tensed up. AJ sighed letting go of her soft body and turning over.

The next morning, Julie woke up to the smell of Bacon and eggs. She walked down the stairs in a robe but stopped when she saw the other guys sitting sround watching TV.

Nick looked up at her with a shocked face.

Julie turned around and quickly went back upstairs. She put on a pair of jeans with a sweatshirt and put cover-up on her face. She took a deep breath and walked down the other staircase to the kitchen

"Hi baby" AJ smiled

"Hey" She said softly.

"Ummm, I tried finding some help" he said handing her a plate with a four course meal on it.

"You did, well what happened?"

"Well all the places are places where you have to live there. I don't wanna live there for a whole month."

"Maybe you could go to therepy"

"Ok" He nodded, "How ya feeling?" He asked standing behind her and taking her long black hair out of the clip she put it in.

"I'm ok, just sore"

AJ combed her hair with his fingers, "I'm gonna do everything in my power to not hurt you ok?"

"Well maybe I should stay somewhere else"

"Like break up?"

"No, just I could stay somewhere and so could you. But we'd still be together just not living together"

"Is that what you want?"

"Yah" she nodded

AJ sighed, "I can change baby, I can, you don't have to go"

"Alright, but the next time you hurt me, I'm gone for good."


"First I think you need to stop drinking" she said

AJ walked over to his cabinet. He pulled out the numerous bottles of liquers like Bacardi, Jose Cuervos, vodka, Jack daniels and other hard things. He set them down and went into the fridge and took out the 30 pack of beer. He gathered them up and took them out to the guys.

"Damn J, it's only noon and you wanna start the party now?" Nick laughed

"Naw, "AJ said, "I'm gonna stop drinking, So you guys can divide it up" He walked back into the kitchen.

Julie stood up and walked over to AJ. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

AJ smiled down at her while roaming her body, "I want you so bad baby"

"We can't" she giggled, "The guys are here"

"Julie" Kevin called

"Yea" she said breaking away from AJ

"Farrah wants you to call her"

"K" she said picking up the phone. She dialed Farrah's number



"Hey, so what happened yesterday?"


"Ok Julie, stop the shit."

"What shit?" She asked

"Something happened. You didn't beat yourself up"

"Ok, when we came home there was some girl outside and she just started yelling at me and stuff. And we ended up fighting. That's all that happened ok?"

"Whatever Jules. You wanna go to the movies?"

"Yah," she said, "What time you wanna meet?"

"Ummm, 3:30, we'll go see American Pie"

"Ok" Julie nodded, "Well, see ya then, bye"

"Bye" She said hanging up.

"Where ya goin?" AJ asked

"To the movies with Farrah"

"Awwww, I wanted to take you out."

"I thought you were just gonna hang out with the guys all day. You can take me out tommorow"

"I guess" He sighed walking out to the fmily room.


"Julie" AJ called.

She walked into the family room


"Can you go pick up some food. We're hungry"

"I'm busy" She said looking around at them. They all had had a couple of drinks including AJ.

"Please?" Nick begged laughing

AJ took out his wallet and handed her some money, "And hurry back"

"I told you I wasn't going. There's plenty of food in there"

AJ glared at her while snatching his money back, "Fine Julie, get out of here"

"What are you talking about"

"Come here" He said walking upstairs.

Julie followed him upstairs. "What AJ"

"I don't know what you want from me. You want me to quit getting pissed at you, but you do all this shit to make me wanna kill you"

"What the hell did I do?"

"You fuckin disrepect me all the fuckin time. I do everything for you Julie. You don't do shit. You don't have a fuckin job, so all the money you have is mine! All I wanted you to do was go to the fuckin store."

"I had a good job Aj! You made me quit!"

"I didn't think that you'd become a lazy bitch"

Tears came to Julies eyes. She grabbed her purse and started to walk out.

AJ grabbed her arm, "where are you going?"

"I'm leaving" She said jerking away from him and running down the stairs.

"Are you going to the store now?" Kevin asked

"No! Go to the store your damn self" She said storming out

"Julie!" AJ yelled walking out after her, "Get back in here"

"No! Leave me alone"

"Fine, and don't come back"

"I wont!" she yelled opening up the mercedes

"You can't take the cars."

"It's mine!" She screamed

"Whatever" he said going back in the house and slamming the door.

Julie got in the car and slowly started driving around. She looking in her purse and noticed that she didn't have any money. She pulled off to the side of the road. "Maybe I should just go back" She muttered.


"Honny, are you sure you don't want to stay here" Farrah asked as they got back to her and Kevin's house, "it looks like Kev's here"

"No, I'm fine" Julie said getting out. She hugged Farrah bye and got back in her mercedes. She drove the long road home and noticed that the expedition was gone.

"AJ" She called walking into the house, "Alex?"

There was no answer as she searched the house. She changed her clothes and crawled into the large bed