Julie pulled up in front of the airport and saw her sister talking to a guy.

"Diana!" She called jumping out of the car.

"Jules!" Her sister said hugging her.

The two were faternal twins, looking nothing alike. Diana was 5'6" blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin covered with self tanner. Julie, on the other hand was only 5'1 with black hair, green eyes and perfectly tanned skin. None the less, both girls were beautiful.

"You didn't bring lover boy with you?" Diana asked looking in the empty truck.

"No" Julie said helping Diana put her stuff in the truck. Diana got in the passenger side and waved to the guy she was talking to.

"Man, if he didn't live in North Dakota, he would be so hot."

"What has living in North Dakota have to do with it?"

"Hello Jules, How many people do you know from North Dakota? None, it's probably all field and stuff"

Julie laughed, "I'm so happy you're here"

"I know" Diana grinned.

Twnety minutes later, they pulled up to Julie and AJ's house.

"Is he here?" Diana asked

"Nope" Julie said walking in the house, "Oh, excuse the mess, I didn't have time to clean"

"Damn looks like somebody got their ass kicked in here" Diana joked, "So litle sis by three and a half minutes, where am I sleeping?"

"Up there" Julie said poiting


"And then" Diana laughed as she sat up on the couch, "She starts going off about how I want her man and stuff. Now this man was booty. He was so damn ugly. I was like telling her that I didnt want her man, he wanted me."

"Was she all pissed and stuff?" Julie asked fixing her rainbow PJ's

"Yea, she got over it though" She laughed, "SO how's Farrah?"

"Ummm...she's cool"

"That's cool, and Nick?"


"Who?" Diana asked

"Her names Amanda, she's pretty cool. She's only 17"

"Dude, isn't Nick 20?"

"Yup. She'll be 18 soon"

"Man, what does he want a 17 year old, when he can have me. A fine twnety one year old babe"

Julie laughed. She heard keys rustling in the door knob.

AJ walked through the door holding a pizza

Julie looked at Diana and rolled her eyes.

"Hi" AJ said smiling at Diana

"Hi, what's up?"

"Nothin, I just brought some Pizza for you guys, Julie, could you help me?"

"I guess" Julie sighed standing up. She followed AJ in the kitchen, "What do you need help with?"

"You didn't say anything to Diana right?"

"No," She sighed, "Where'd you go?"

"To Nick's"

"Oh" Julie nodded, "Ummm, thanks for the pizza"

AJ nodded, "I'm gonna go watch a movie" He said heading twards the theater.


"Ok Di, see ya in the morning" Julie said walking into her room. She picked up the phone dialing Farrah's number

"Hello?" Farrah asked quietly

"Farr, It's Julie"

"Hi" Farrah sniffed

"Why do you sound like you just lost your best friend?" Julie laughed lightly.

"Very funny Julie. I thought you weren't going to talk to me again"

"I'm not supposed to. Farrah, why did you say that to Kevin?"

"Because I know what he's doing to you"

"No you don't. You don't know anything about us. Don't make assumptions ok?" Julie said gently

"Ok, if he was hitting you, you'd tell me right?"

"Of course I would. So tell everyone not to worry ok?"

"Ok" Farrah nodded, "Are you still my best friend?"

"Of course" She giggled, "We'll always be best friends"

"Good, I thought that you never wanted to talk to me again" Farrah said wiping the tears away

Julie started to say something before her door was bust open, "I gotta go. Talk to you tommorow"

"Wh--" Farrah started before Julie hung up.

"I thought I said not to talk to her anymore"

"I wasn't talking to Farrah"

AJ took the phone from behind his back

"So you were listening to me?"

"Come here"

"No" She said standing up

"I said come here"

"Why?" She asked as her fear took over her.

"Because I said so" He said as his voice started to rise and he shut the door.

"But Diana's here and if you hit me, she'll kick your ass" Julie said while walking twards him slowly.

AJ grabbed her and turned her where her back was twards him. He grabbed her arm and twist it tightly behind her back.

"Owww" Julie cried as she felt her shoulder pop, "AJ please"

AJ took his other hand and pulled her hair, "I told you not to talk to her!"

"I know" she sobbed, "I'm sorry"

"No your not" he said pushing her down on the ground making her hit her head on the edge of the bed. Julie screamed as AJ grabbed his belt off of his dresser.

"No" She said trying to move away.

AJ grabbed the same arm that had already popped out of place to hold her there while striking her with the belt

"Please" She begged, "Please baby, I'm sorry"


Diana sat up in her bed as she heard her sister scream, "Damn, they're hella nasty" She giggled to herself. She tried to ignore them until she noticed that the screams were screams of pain. She quickly got out of bed and ran to their door.

"Please stop" She heard her sister beg

"Julie!" Diana screamed banging on the door, "AJ open the door!"

"Tell her to go away" AJ said whispering in Julies ear.

"Diana" Julie said softly as Aj let go of her arm, "Go back to bed"

"Are you alright?"

"Yea, I'm fine"

"I wanna see, come out here"

"Ok, I'll be out in ten minutes"

"Ok" Diana said sitting by the door.

AJ looked down at Julie and remembered his promise to her. He went into the bathroom and got a wet wash cloth and came back.

"My arm" She cried as he wiped off her face.

He looked at the akward position her arm was in, "can you move it?"

"No" She sobbed, "I hate you AJ."

"No you don't baby" He said rubbing her leg softly.

"Yes I do. I hate you, and everything about you" she said trying to sit up but fell back when a stinging pain shot through her head and arm at the same time, "I think you broke my arm" she said closing her eyes tightly

"What do I do" AJ asked paniking

"Take me to the hospital retard!"

AJ Picked up the phone

"Hello?" a tired voice asked


"Alex, why are you calling so late"

"I need you to come over here. It's Julie"

"Well what's wrong?"

"I think I broke her arm" He said as he started to cry

"You broke it?" She exlaimed getting dressed, "How'd you do that"

"Mom, please just come"

"Alright, don't move her ok?"

"Ok, bye" he said hanging up, "My mom's on her way"

"Jules!" Diana said knocking again

"You should just let her in" Julie said as her head throbbed

AJ knelt next to her, "Are you sure you can't move it?" He asked with caring eyes

"Get away from me and let my sister in here. You sure as hell didn't care if I was in pain when you were trying to kill me"

"I wasn't trying to kill you" He said opening the door.

Diana stormed in and stopped when she saw her sister laying out on the floor, "Oh my god" She said dropping to her knees and wiping the tears off of Julies face, "What did you do to her?" she asked looking at AJ

"I...Um" AJ started

"What the fuck did you do to her!" Diana screamed getting up, "You hit her didn't you, you ass hole!"

"D" Julie said from the floor, "It was my fault"

"Your fault Julie! How the hell was it your fault when you're the one laying here with your arm twisted around and shit! I'm calling the cops AJ. You're going to Jail for what you did to her"

"Diana, You don't know what happened" Julie said as Diana knelt down to her again

"What happened then?"

"We were just playing, I was wrestling with him and it got out of hand"

"Then why were you begging him to stop?"

"He probably didn't hear me, right J?"

"Ummm, Yea" AJ nodded.

"Well did you guys call the ambulance?"

"Um no, my mom used to be a nurse so she's coming over"

"What AJ, are you scared that if you take her to the hospital it'll leak out to the press that you beat her? Julie, You're coming home with me. I'm not letting you stay here with him anymore." Diana said standing up and getting in AJ's face, "I knew your type when she got with you"

AJ rolled his eyes as he tried to walk away

"No" She said grabbing his arm and making him look at her, "You need to hear this. You need to know about yourself."

"You don't know shit about me Diana so shut the fuck up" AJ said looking AJ Julie who still had tears pouring out of her eyes

"I know what I need to know. I know that you hit my sister. I know that you're an ass hole, and I know that you will never get a chance to hit my sister again."

"Diana" Julie said, "stop ok?"

Diana stormed out of the room.

"Honny" AJ started, "I--"

"Alex" Denise said from the door, "I wanna know what happened, now"

Julie told Denise the same bull shit story that she told Diana.

"ooookkk" Denise said leaning next to Julie. She slipped off Julie's shirt, "Well, it's not broken"

"Good" AJ sighed

"It's dislocated."

"Can you fix it?" AJ asked

"No, she needs to go to the hospital"

"She can't"

"Why not AJ? If the story is like you said, what's the problem?"

"Mom, you take her then"

"Come on Julie" Denise said helping her up. She made a harness that held Julie's armn in place.

"I'm really dizzy" She said steading herself.

"Let's get you to the hospital" Denise said walking with her.