Chapter 1

"So what are you doing today?" Nick asked his girlfriend as they sat on the couch watching morning cartoons.

"AJ wants me to go shopping with him for Amanda's Christmas present" Shelly said

"What time?"

"In like an hour. You wanna come with us? It'll be fun"

"No, I'm cool."

"Well what are you gonna do all day?"


"Please come with us Nicky" she said pouting her lip.

"No, I don't wanna go"

"You don't wanna go anywhere with me anymore" She said softly.

"I do everything with you"

"Not willingly" she said standing up and walking upstairs.

"Whatever" he said turning back to his shows.

Shelly got ready and walked downstairs, "You know Nick, it's a shame that you're my boyfriend and you don't do stuff with me. I mean AJ's just my best friend and he has a girlfriend, yet he still makes time to spend with me"

"Why don't you tell AJ to be your fuckin boyfriend then" Nick said getting up.

"So what, you're saying you don't wanna be with me anymore"

"No, I'm saying that I'm the one who pays your bills, who buys you whatever you want, who holds you when you cry, or when you just want to be held. I'm the one who makes love to you every night, and I'm the name you scream out"

"Yea, well who holds me when you make me cry, huh Nick? You wouldn't know cause you don't even know when you make me cry!"

"I'm not dealing with this right now" he said storming upstairs. She looked outside and saw AJ's car coming in their gate. She grabbed her purse and walked outside. 

"Hey baby" AJ said as she opened the door and got in.

"Hi" she said softly.

"What's wrong?" he asked pulling out of the gate.

"Nothing" she said

"You sure?"

"Yea, I'm sure, Nick and I just got in a fight, that's all"

"Did you make up?"

"No, he just stormed upstairs, I dunno, it feels like he's loosing interest in me. I mean he doesn't even take me out anymore."

"Well, did you talk to him about it?"

"I tried and he blew me off"

"What did you say to him?"

"I told him that you spend more time with me than he does"

"Oohh...I bet he was pissed"

"Yea, he told me that I should ask you to be my boyfriend, then he started going off about all the stuff he buys me and what he does for me"

"You're all right honey" he said

Finally, the tears fell from her eyes.

"Awww, Shells" AJ said pulling into a parking lot, "Don't cry ok"

She wiped away her tears and looked at where they were, "We're going to Jamba Juice?" 

"No, we're going to the jewelry store"

"But why?" she asked getting out of the car.

"I'm getting Amanda's present from here"

"Oh" she said walking in with him, "Are you getting her like a bracelet?"

"Ummm, no...more like a ring"


"How can I help you two?" An older man said coming up to them.

"I'd like to look at your engagement rings"

Shelly looked at him as they were led to them.

"You're asking her to marry you?" she asked softly

"Yea" AJ grinned

"And you weren't gonna tell me until now?"

"I didn't know how" he said looking at the rings, "here, help me pick one"

Shelly helped him pick out one.

"So do you wanna go back to your place?" AJ asked

"No, I want you to take me to ice cream" she said

"Ok" he laughed driving to Baskin Robins.


"Bye J, make sure to hide the ring"

"I will, bye" he said watching her walk into the house.

"Hey" Nick said looking at her as she closed the door.

"Hey" she muttered walking in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry" he said following her.

"Yea" she nodded sitting down and putting her head into her hands