Chapter 2

Nick and Holly walked into the club in search of the others.

"There they are" Nick said leading her over.

"Hey!" Brian said putting down his drink

Holly smiled sitting down next to Nick leaving an extra seat next to her

Amanda came back from the bathroom, "Oh hi Holly" she smiled sitting next to her

"Hey" Holly smiled

"You look hot" She said looking her over

"Thanks" Holly said looking around.

"AJ's at the bar" Amanda said

"Oh, I wasn't looking for him" she said softly.

"Come on" Amanda said dragging Holly over to the bar.

"Hey J" Amanda said, "look what I found"

"Oh, hey" AJ said looking at Holly

"Hey" she said before turning to the bar tender, "Can I get a long island?"

Amanda slipped away while Holly turned around.

"So how have you been?" AJ asked as Holly took a seat


"I've been better. How come you didn't come with your kids dad?"

"He's here" She said softly

"Where?" AJ said looking around

"Closer than you think" she muttered

Aj ignored her last comment as she got her drink.

"So how old is Brandon?"

"2 and a half" she said taking a sip of it

"Wanna dance?" AJ asked as a slow song came on

"ok" she said as she downed her drink and walked out with him.

He wrapped his arms around her as she layed her head on his chest. Even with her boots on, she was still only 5'2"

She looked up as she felt AJ chuckle, "What?"

"I was just thinking. Amanda bet me two hundred that I was the father of your baby"

"What's so funny about that?" she asked getting insulted


"Whatever" she said walking away and outside the club.

About ten minutes later she felt someone sit next to her. She looked at and saw AJ.

"Holly" AJ started

"No AJ. I don't want your pitty. You said all that you needed to say in there"

AJ looked around

"How long have you guys been together?"

"Me and Amanda?"

"Yea" She nodded

"Oh, we're not together...just friends"

"oh" Holly nodded, "Well I'm gonna go home"

"Well where is your man?" AJ asked noticing she was alone.

She ignored him standing up.

"Did he leave you after you had his baby?" AJ asked rudely

"No, I left him. He doesn't know the baby's his"

"You seem to be good at leaving people. I just hope you don't leave your son like you seem to do the men in your life."

She turned around and slapped him, "That was uncalled for!" She screamed

"So slapping me is!"

"You don't even know why I left AJ. You have no idea how hard that was for me" She screamed at him as people started to stare

"How am I supposed to know why you left me? All I know is I came home from the studio, to see you and all your stuff gone. You didn't even leave a note"

"I was doing you a favor. I didn't think I'd see you again"

"Well you should have been prepared to see me again. Damn, it's not like you moved to another state, you moved forty-five minutes away!"

"Do you hate me for leaving?" She asked suddenly

AJ paused before answering, "Yea" he nodded

"I'm sorry Alex, I am. I didn't know what to do" She said honestly

"Holly" he said sitting down, "I'm pretty good at math and I counted back and I know you cheated on me. If you would have just talked to me about it, we could still be together. I wouldn't have cared if your son wasn't mine. But now, I mean I can't even look at you the same. I thought we were gonna be together forever--"

"I never cheated on you" Holly said wiping her tears away

"You don't have to lie about it. It's obvious, if you didn't cheat then..."

Holly just looked at him

"Am I his father"

"Yea" she said looking away

"Why the hell didn't you say anything!" AJ screamed standing up.

"I don't know"

"What? Did you think I was gonna run away from it like you did! Jesus! I have a kid and I didn't even know about it!"

"I'm sorry ok!" She yelled getting up, "But I can't do much about it now, can I?"

"Does he know?"

"No, he never asked. He's only two"

"Can I see him?"

"Yea, you can come over anytime" she shrugged

"I wanna see him tonight" AJ said

"Well alright, but I don't have a car with me. Nick took me"

"It's alright, we'll take mine." He said taking out his keys.

"What about Amanda?"

"She can get a ride" He said walking off. Holly followed him to his car and got in the passanger side.

~*~20 minutes~*~

"So do you have a job out in tampa?" AJ asked breaking the long silence

"Yea" She nodded

"What do you do?"

"Remember how I was going to cosmotology school? Well I'm a hair dresser now"

"Really? How long have you been doing that?"

"About two years now"

"Thats awesome"

"Yah, I have my own shop too"

"You do? I'm gonna have to come by and let you do my hair. Can you high light?"

"Of course" She said happy that they weren't arguing anymore.

They drove for a while more while Holly directed him twards her apartment.

"Alright, here we are" She said hitting the code. They drove through and AJ parked.

"Do you think he'll like me?" AJ asked taking off his seat belt slowly.

"Yea" She smiled getting out, "I gotta go relieve BJ"

They walked up to her door and inside. BJ was sleeping on the couch.

"Beej" Holly Whispered

"Oh hi" BJ said waking up, "Sorry"

"No it's cool. Nick wont be here for a while, so why don't you go ahead and sleep in my room?"

"Ok" She nodded going to Holly's room.

"Ummm, Brandon's sleeping. If I wake him up, he wont go back to bed" She said softly

"Do you think it'll be alright if I crashed on the couch until tommorow?" AJ asked sitting down.

"Oh sure" She said. "I have a king size inflatable matress." She said pulling it out of a closet. She took out the air blower and blew it up.

"So how come you're not with anybody?" AJ asked as she brought out blankets.

"Nobody wants you when you have a baggage with you" She said softly, "Ok, well it's finished." she said handing him some blankets

"Where are you gonna sleep if BJ is in your bed?" He asked taking off his shoes.

"I could sleep on the couch" she said sitting back down.

"We could share" Aj suggested

"Ok" She nodded laying down next to him