Chapter 12

Julie and Aj went to bed without saying anything to each other. Aj looked at Julie and wondered why he hurt her like her did.

"Baby?" Aj finally said shaking her shoulder lightly

She shook his hand off as she turned over


"What?" she finally asked opening her eyes.

"Do you still love me?"

"What? Of course I do" she said, "go to bed"

"I need to talk to you"


"I love you too" he said quietly, "Do you remember our first time together?"

"When we first met?"

"No, the first time we made love"

"Oh" she said giggling softly, "Yea"

"You were a virgin, and I was scared I would hurt you...but you told me that you loved me and that I was worth all the pain in the world."

"Yea" she said softly, not knowing where he was going.

"I remember after I entered you and I saw you cry from the pain, I remember saying to myself that I would never hurt you again because I hate seeing you cry"

Julie didn't say anything.

"But I do hurt you...and I make you cry...and I don't know why...or what to do to stop myself."

"AJ, we've gone over this a thousand times. You know exactly what you have to do"

"What?" he asked turning on the lights and looking in her eyes.

"Get help" she said.

"Honny, I can't go out there and just get help...I can do it on my own if I really try"

"Then this whole talk is worthless" she sighed turning back off the lights, "good night"

"Julie, I wanna make you feel good, I wanna make you feel how you felt the first night I ever made love to you"

"You didn't get enough when you fucked me at Brian's?"

He sighed, "No, I wanna make love to you...not just have sex." He turned on the lights again and looked at her. "And every bruise you have on your body...I wanna kiss it to show that I'll never put another on you"

Julie looked at him, "Good night AJ" She turned over and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said again

"Whatever" she muttered

~*~next morning~*~

Julie walked downstairs to see AJ sitting at the table with his mom and another woman in her thirties. Julie looked down at her clothes which consisted of a tight tank top and boxer shorts.

"Oh...hi" she smiled 

"Hi honey" Denise smiled, "I want you to meet Mary, Aj's..."

"Mary is my counselor"

"Your counselor?" Julie asked taking a seat.

"Yea, I'm getting help" he said softly taking her hand.

"Julie, I had no I dea" Denise said, "If I really believed that he was doing this..."

"'s fine" Julie said taking her hand back from AJ.

"So AJ and I are going to have weekly sessions where I come here and we talk privatley about whatever is on his mind...and we can figure out why he does the things he does."

"Well what about when they go on tour in three weeks?" Julie asked.

"Tour?" Mary asked looking at AJ

"Oh...yea we have the second leg of our tour"

"Well, hopefully we can work something out by then." Denise said

Julie nodded while getting up. She went upstairs and took a shower before getting dressed in a tight pair of jeans and a tank top that said hollywood, in sparkles. SH ewalkedback down to see AJ talking to Mary on the couch...she was sitting there taking notes as he rambled on.

Julie grabbed her keys while heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" AJ asked looking at her

"I'm going to the mall with Farrah"

"Remember what we talked about ok?"

She nodded while walking out and closing the door.

~*~With Farrah and Julie~*~

"So i wake up this morning and some how Aj has this counselor who is gonna make him stop hitting me" Julie said as they sat down in Red Lobster.

"Do you think It'll work?"

"I dunno" Julie sighed

"Do you think he's really sorry?"

"Yea...I mean last night he seemed so sincere when he was talking to me. I mean he told me that he wanted me to feel like I felt the first time know"

"Awww" she smiled

" are you and that you're married"

"We're great...I mean...It's only been a month...but I's so great...we love each other to no end."

"Yea...I can tell" Julie nodded

"He wants to have kids"


"Yea, he says he's getting old" she giggled

"But you're still young...I mean you're only 23"

"I know...but I want to too...We said we're gonna start trying after the tour"

"So he still wears a condom?"

"No, cause I'm on the pill"

"Oh yea...right...I need that"

"Just make AJ wear a condom"

"Well, you know...when we fight and he forces me...he doesn't wear one...that's why I've already been pregnant twice"

"I wish you'd leave him alone for good"

"I try...but I love him"

"There are a lot of people that you can love but it doesn't mean that you have to take the abuse that they give to you."

"I know" she said softly as the waitress brought their food over

"Thanks" they said. They talked small talk until they were finally finished.

"I got the bill, Kevy gave me money to take you out" 

"He did?" Julie smiled


"You know when the last time AJ bought me something was?"

"When?" Farrah asked

"The first year we were together. Now...he doesn't buy me anything. For out anniversary, we fought and a beating was all I got."

"Talk to him about it Jules"

"It's not that big of a deal" Julie sighed following Farrah out to the car.

"You want me to take you home?"

"no...can we go back to your place?" Julie asked getting in the passenger seat



"Hello?" Kevin asked into the phone, "Yea she's here, she's really tired and Farrah wants her to sleep over here...umm...sure if you want to..are you pissed?..well don't come then" Kevin said hanging up.

"Is he mad that I didn't come home?" Julie asked

"Yea..I think he's coming over...he sounds drunk"

"Shit" Julie muttered, "Kevin...please don't let him in here"

"I wont" he promised