Chapter 13

Julie stared at the door as AJ knocked on it. Kevin and Farrah had already gone to bed and she was terrified to open it. Julie jumped as the phone next to her rang.

"He...hello?" Julie asked

"Julie, why wont you open the door"

"I'm scared"

"Of what?"

"You, Kevin said you were mad"

"Well I'm not anymore so open up"

"You promise you wont hit me?"

"Yea, now open up"

"Ok" she said hanging up and opening the door to see AJ's red face.

"Get in the car" he said

"No" she said backing up.

AJ grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the car.

"You said you wouldn't hit me"

"Well I dumb bitch"

"I'm not going anywhere with you"

He slapped her, "Get in the fuckin car"

"Ok" she cried walking towards the car.

"Drive us home and pray that I calm down by the time I get there"

She got in the drivers side and started to drive them home. She looked at AJ as he searched through his CD's pulling out a ludicrous one.

"Drive faster" he said putting it in. A tear rolled down Julie's face

"What the fuck are you crying for?"

"Nothing" she said quietly as they got closer.

Ten minutes later, they pulled up to their house. AJ got out and walked in the house. Julie walked in.

"Go upstairs" AJ ordered her.

"What happened to you're counselor?"

"I fired her"

"What? Why?"

"Because she didn't know what she was talking about." He said walking towards her, "No go upstairs"

"No" she cried as he slapped her.

"I said go"

"I hate you!" she said before being drug upstairs. "Stop it you asshole!"

"Shut up!" AJ yelled throwing her on the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so mad at me?"

"Because I fuckin pour my heart out to you and you act like I didn't say shit to you"

"Because you didn't! You said you wouldn't hurt me anymore and you just did!"

"Fuck you!" he screamed straddling her.

"Please?" she whispered

"Please what?"

"Please don't hurt me"

AJ bought his fist back and punched her in her jaw.

"OOOOHHHHH" Julie cried out

"Did that hurt" 

"Yes! you fuckin bastard!"

AJ slapped her again before pulling her up. He slammed her body into the wall, knocking the wind out of her.

Julie threw a punch and hit his in his jaw.

"You fuckin bitch" he screamed wrapping his strong hands around her neck.

Julie struggled, trying to pry hi hands off.

"You should see how red your face is" he laughed bitterly.

Julie went limp trying to break free. AJ let go and let her fall to the ground. He kicked her in her stomach.

"Get up!"

Julie slowly got up, only to be shoved against the wall again, "I'm sorry" she cried.

"Oh, you will be" he said ripping off her shirt and pulling down her shorts. 

"No! Please!"

"Shut up" he yelled slapping her roughly.

"Please don't rape me" she sobbed. AJ let go of her and walked in the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

Julie quickly pulled her clothes on and grabbed her purse and keys. She ran out of the house and hopped in AJ's Beemer. She sped back to Kevin's house and banged on the door.

"Julie!" Farrah screamed opening it, "What the hell!"

"Help me" Julie muttered walking in. Farrah took her into her and Kevin's room.

"Who was at the door?" Kevin muttered from under the covers.

"Baby, look" 

Kevin looked out to see Julie. "Oh my god"

"Go over there and kick his ass" Farrah said taking Julie into their bathroom. 

"Honey, put on some clothes" Kevin said to Farrah.

Farrah looked down at the tank top and panty set, "I'm fine, she's seen more of me" Farrah cleaned up Julie.

"Let me see what he did to her body" Kevin said

Julie lifted up her shirt to show her bruised stomach.

"Kevin, go, we can't keep letting this happen"

"Farrah, I can't just go over there and Kick his ass"

"Why not!"

"I can't" he said.

"SO how did you get over there anyway?"

"He came and picked me up"

Farrah shook her head, "I'm going over there"

"No you're not"  Kevin said

"Well one of us is" She said putting on her pants. She grabbed her keys and went out of the house.

"Should you go with her?" Julie finally asked

"She's fine. Why don't you go to bed"

"Ok" Julie nodded, "Can I get some of Farrah's clothes?"

"Of course"

Julie got out a pair of Pajamas and walked into the guestroom. 


Farrah walked into AJ's unlocked house.

"AJ!" she screamed running upstairs.

AJ opened his bedroom door to by connected with Farrah's flying fist.

"What the--"

"You bastard! how could you do that to someone you love!"

"Tell her I'm sorry" he said as he grabbed Farrah's hands to stop hitting him.

"I'm not telling her shit!" she said

"Then what the fuck are you here for!"

"To kick your ass!" she yelled lunging at him again.

"Stop it" he said trying to get her to stop punching him. She connected her fist to his nose and jumped back as blood gushed out.

"You bitch!" he exclaimed punching her her. He automatically regretted it.

Farrah stood there with her hand on her jaw. No man had ever hit her before.

"I'm sorry" he said quietly.

"You wait till I tell Kevin!" she said walking out.


"Kevin!" Farrah screamed walking in the house.

"Shhh-" he said coming out of the kitchen but stopped when he saw the purple mark on her jaw.

"He hit you?"

"After I broke his nose"

"You broke his nose?"


Kevin picked up the phone and called AJ's

"Yea?" Aj said answering the phone.

"You had no fuckin right to hit Farrah"

"She fuckin broke my nose"

"Maybe you don't care about Julie being hurt, but some of us do love our girls"

"I do love Julie. Stop saying I don't"

"Yea, well you go tell that battered girl who is crying her eyes out because you keep fuckin with her mind. It's bad enough that you cheat on her all the damn time, but then you hit her like she's a damn punching bag"

"Shut up you ass hole!"

"no" Kevin said

"Shut the fuck up"

Kevin hung up.

"Let's go to bed baby"

Kevin nodded while walking upstairs.


"Jules can you get the door?" Farrah called as she cooked them breakfast since Kevin was at the studio.

"K" Julie said walking to the door. She looked out and saw a girl, "Yes?" she asked opening it.

"uummm, hi, Is Kevin in?"

"No he's not, can I help you?"

"Yea, my names Michelle, is there a way I can come in and wait for him? We're old friends"

"Are you a fan?"

"No, now...can I please come in"

"Sure" Julie said letting her in, "Kev will be back in probably an hour"

Farrah walked out, "Hello"

"Hi, I'm Michelle, an old friend of Kevin's"

"I'm Farrah, his wife"

Michelle smiled as she sat back.

"So when's the baby due?" Julie asked looking at Michelle's swollen belly

"in six weeks"

"Oh, congrats"

"Actually, that's what I'm here for?"


"Ummm, My also Kevin's child"

"What? Look, I dunno what kind of sick joke this is, but I'm not buyin it" Farrah started

"I'm not here to break up your family or anything, it's just that I can't raise a baby on my own...I need help."

"You just wait till he get's home" Farrah said

Exactly an hour later, Kevin walked in the door and stopped when he saw her sitting  there.

"Hey Kevy," She smiled

"What are you doing here?" Kevin asked Michelle

"I thought you'd be a little happier to see me" She said standing up, "You know, now that we're all can tell your wife yourself"

"Tell her what?"

"About our baby"

Kevin stopped breathing when he saw her belly.

"Don't look so knew it was bound to happen"

"What..."Farrah said, "she's telling the truth Kev?"

"Farrah baby,"

"You ass hole! How the fuck could you do this to me!" Farrah screamed at him, "You been fuckin her ever since we've been together"


"No! and you! you little slut! you didn't know he was with someone?"

"Yea, he said it wasn't serious"

" wasn't serious when we fuckin got married!" she screamed at him, "Get the fuck out!"


"I said get the fuck out!" she yelled throwing a vase at him.

"Let me just talk to you!"

"No! you and your slut can go on and have that fuckin baby! I never want to see your ass again"

"This is my house!"

"I don't give a fuck...why don't you and that low life AJ move in together!"

Kevin grabbed his leys and stormed out.

"What are you still doing here?" Julie asked Michelle.

She got her purse and walked out. Farrah looked out the window to see Kevin and Michelle arguing outside.

"I can't believe that" Farrah said sobbing

Julie got in the drivers side and sat there.

"So exactly, where are we going?"

"Well, I don't know" she said softly, "I mean, we can't go back to Kentucky, cause your family wont let you come back...maybe we could get an apartment out here."

"Maybe in Tampa" Julie shrugged, "Do you have money?"

"Yea, I have the ATM card, do you?"

"No, but we can go back and I can get AJ's card"


"Yea, he's probably knocked out by now" she said driving towards her house. She snuck in and stopped when she saw AJ laying on the couch sleeping. She walked past him and found his wallet on the table. She walked back past him and ran out of the door.

"I got it" she exclaimed hopping in and driving away. She and Farrah stayed in a Tampa hotel until that afternoon and then went on an apartment search. They found a two bedroom and put their money together for the rent.