Chapter 15

"So we'll come back to get this stuff later" Farrah said  as everyone piled up in Nick's Durango.

"Nicky, how'd you get stuck driving?" Julie asked

"These two guys were too nervous to drive themselves"

AJ laughed wrapping his arm around Julie's shoulders, pulling her closer. "I love you" he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too" she said softly, closing her eyes as they drove back to Orlando.

"Honey, wake up" AJ said shaking Julie, "we're here"

Julie woke up and looked at their house. She slowly got out and walked up to the door using her key to get in.

"Bye Jules!" Farrah called waving out of the window.

Julie shot Farrah a glare before going in.

"Damn" Nick laughed, "If looks could kill"

"Shut up Nick" Farrah said slapping him in the back of his head.

"Hey, don't hit my baby" Mandy said rubbing the  back of Nick's head.

"Alright, bye guys, thanks Nick" Aj said closing the car door. He went in the house to see Julie staring at a blank T.V. "Jules, let's go to bed"

"Ok" she nodded.

"Are you crying?" He asked as he heard her sniff


"Look at me"

Julie looked at him.

"Baby" he said as he looked at her mascara stained face,"What's wrong"

"Nothing" she said softly as they walked up.

"Please...tell me"

"I'm fine, just overwhelmed I guess"

"Ok" he said.

Julie opened the closet and saw all of her clothes where they were. She pulled out some pajamas and joined AJ on the bed.

"You never sleep with clothes on" AJ said

"It's a little chilly" she said pulling on a sweatshirt over her tank top.

Aj just sighed and pulled back the covers. They climbed under them and cuddled.

"Relax baby" AJ said feeling how tense Julie was.

"I am" she whispered.

"I promised you I wouldn't hit you ok?" AJ said sitting up.

"You always promise me!" Julie said, "why the hell should I believe your cheatin and lying ass!"

"Because I fuckin said so!"

"Ugh! I so can't believe I came back to you"

"Shut up Julie and go to bed"

"No, you can't treat me like this!"

"I'm not doing anything to you!" he screamed at her standing up.

"Fuck you"

"No fuck you" he yelled at her, "Damn, I can't even get better without getting pissed at you"

"Hit me AJ, I fuckin dare you"

Aj pushed Julie on the bed and glared at her.

"Get away from me" Julie said pushing him away.

AJ slapped her across the face. They both just stared at each other.

Julie slowly let a hand come up to her face. She rubbed it softly.

"I'm so sorry" AJ said kneeling on the bed.

Julie just turned over and climbed under the covers. She cried silently.

AJ felt his heart break as he climbed under next to her. He slowly trailed his hand down her back and over her waist.

"Don't" She whispered moving away from him.

"Baby, I totally didn't mean to do that to you. It was an accident"

"Just shut up" she said wiping away her tears.

"I just want you to know I love you"

Julie got up

Where are you going?"

"I'm sleeping somewhere else"

"I'll go" he sighed getting up and grabbing his pillow. He walked out past her and closed the door.

Julie picked up the phone and dialed Farrah's number.

"This better be good" a tired voice said on the other line.

"He hit me again"

"What?" Farrah asked sitting up

"He just slapped me, but he said it was an accident and he didn't mean it."

"Babe, that's what he always says. I mean the guys go on tour next week, what if he hits you when we're on tour?"

"He wont" Julie said

"Julie, I'm so sick of this shit, I mean he hits you all the damn time and then you forgive him"

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even be back here" Julie said before hanging up.

She sighed laying back and staring at the ceiling