Chapter 17


Julie spent the next day relaxing and treating herself well. As she lounged around in her robe she heard her cell ring, "Hello?" she asked

"Where the hell are you?" Farrah asked.

"Away" Julie said

"so you just got up and left?"

"Yep, I got off the bus and just walked away"

"Did he do something to you?"

"Farr, he got mad at me cause I couldn't walk normal. SO he drags me back on the bus and hits me and then rapes me"

"Oh...I feel so bad, where are you?"

"You are so not gonna believe this"


"I'm in the same hotel as you"

"what? how did that work?"

"Well I took a cab here, I told him to take me to the nicest hotel and he took me here"

"What room are you in?"


"Ok, I'm coming down ok?"

"Don't tell Kevin where you're going"

"k" she said, "I'll be there soon"

Julie hung up. She waited about five minutes then Farrah came to her door.

"Hey" Farrah smiled.

"He doesn't know right?"

"right" Farrah said, "so where are you gonna go? I'm going back to Florida in a couple days, you can go too"

"No, he'd find me"

"You don't have to go back to him"

"I think he's gonna kill me"

"I wont let him" Farrah assured her, "look let's go to lunch"

"I don't wanna leave the room"

"Come on Julie, you can't stay in here forever"

"What if we see him?"

"Than we'll tell him to leave us alone"

"You promise we'll be ok?"

"You want Kev to come with us?"

"Yea" Julie nodded.

"Ok, get dressed"

Julie went in her room and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She got her purse and walked out of the room with Farrah. They went up the elevator to the next floor. When the door opened, Julie was looking strait into the eyes she was fearing.

AJ backed up letting her and Farrah out. He put his arm around Julie's waist.

"Let her go" Farrah said.

"Mind your own fuckin business" Aj growled at her. His face softened when he turned back to Julie, "I'm so sorry I hurt you"

She shook her head, "We talked about this, I'm finished"



"I'm begging you"

"You don't ever care when I'm begging you to stop hurting me"

"I know, I'll never do it again"

"Come on Julie" Farrah said grabbing her arm. She took her down to her room and walked in.

Kevin walked out of the bathroom in his boxers and looked at Julie, "Geez, we've been worried sick"

"I know, sorry"

"Don't you dare go back to him, do you hear me?" Kevin said

Julie nodded.

"Kev, we wanted you to come with us to lunch"

"I can't I have to meet up with Fatima"


"Just business" he said, "I'll send Rob with you though" he said referring to his body guard.

"Kev, He'll listen to AJ"

"He's not AJ's body guard, he's mine" Kevin said picking up the phone. He called Rob and then hung up the phone, "So he'll go with you ok"

"Ok" Farrah nodded. Julie fixed her make-up and waited for Rob. When he came they went down to the cafe. They made small talk while eating, "Ohh, let's go shopping"

"I dunno" Julie said.

"Come on Julie"

"I really don't have any money"

"it's cool, I'll hook you up"

"No, hey listen, I'm gonna go back to my room"


"Really, I need to"

"Fine" Farrah said standing up. They walked with Rob to the Elevator. When they got to Julie's fllor they gave each other a quick hug, and they parted ways.

Julie walked into her room and turned on the lights.

"Hi baby"

She stopped in her tracks and turned and looked at AJ who was sitting on the couch, "What are you doing in here?"

"Just came to talk"

"Please leave. We go through this every time, now go"

"can we just sit down like adults and talk?"

"No" she said shaking her head, "I've told you, now go before I call security. Wait, how did you get in here anyway?"

"You got a room under the backstreet name, I have rights to get in all of the rooms"

"Well I'm leaving anyway"

AJ stood up and started to walk towards her.

Julie picked up a vase, "Don't even think about hitting me!"

"Put the vase down"

"Back up, and get the fuck out of my room"

"What's wrong with you?"


AJ backed up, "Fine, I'll go, but I think you should re-think this"

"Fuck you"

"I love you"

That sent Julie over the edge. She threw the vase at him.

"Jesus!" AJ yelled holding his head.

"Bastard!" she screeched charging him. She pushed him down and punched him. She climbed on him and hit him as AJ tried blocking his face, "Asshole! I fuckin hate you" She threw one last punch, hitting him in the eye before getting up. She looked down at him as he stared at her with a look of confusion. A flash of rage went through her again before she kicked him hard in his private.

"Oh" AJ groaned holding himself.

"Get up" she said.

AJ didn't move. He just sat up and looked at the ground.

"I said get the fuck up" she screamed as tears came to her eyes.

AJ felt his lip and looked at the blood on his fingers, "Damn" was all he could say

"Do you see? That's half of what you do to me. And for no fuckin reason!"

AJ stood up and got really dizzy.

"Get out" she cried.

AJ nodded, "I'm sorry" He walked out of the room.

~*~Next day~*~

Julie sat on the couch watching the boys on TRL. They had all left that night for New York, but she stayed.

"So AJ, wanna explain those bumps and bruises?" Carson asked

"Uh, we were at a party and some guy came on me trying to fight, and I had to protect myself"

"Looks like he got you pretty good"

"Yea, I got him ok too though" he chuckled.

Julie laughed as she switched off the T.V. She packed up her stuff and called her real estate agent. She found out that her apartment hadn't been rented out and she decided to move back in. She caught a plane back to Tampa She drove got a cab to her apartment and signed the papers again. She smiled looking around the already furnishedapartment.