Chapter 18

~*~1 month later~*~

Julie looked up as there was a knock on her door. She got up and opened it to see Farrah and Kevin standing there.

"Hi!" She squealed hugging them both and letting them in.

"How ya doin?" Kevin asked, "You look great"

"Thank you" she smiled, "I feel great too"

"It's so great to see you" Farrah smiled

"You guys hungry?"

"We wanted to take you to lunch" Farrah said

"Ok" Julie smiled. She grabbed her purse. the talked as they drove to a restaurant, "Ohhh, isn't this Ricky Martin's?"

"yep" Kevin said, " I already made arrangments"

They went inside and quickly got seated to the VIP section.

"I wonder if Ricky's here" Julie said

"I doubt it" Farrah said.

"Howie's having a birthday party tomorrow" Kevin said, "You wanna go?"

"No" She said shaking her head

"Oh come on" Farrah said, "Aj wont be there"

"Yes he will. He wouldn't miss Howie's birthday" Julie said taking a sip of her margarita.

"Well even if he is, you don't have to talk to him" Kevin said

"Yea, fat chance he'd leave me alone" She said

"Please, Howie asked us to invite you when we go here"


"please?" Farrah asked sticking out her lip.

"Oh fine" she sighed

~*~next day~*~

Julie took a deep breath as she pulled up to Howie's house. She slowly got out and walked up to the door. She opened the door, "Must be in the back" she muttered. She walked back to the backyard where there were about a hundred people in bathing suits standing around. Some were swimming while other danced. She walked over to Howie.

"Hi Howie" she smiled

"Jules!" He exclaimed hugging her, "How ya been?"

"Great" She smiled handing him a present

"Aww, thanks" he smiled taking it.

"I'm gonna go talk to Farrah"

"Ok" Howie said watching as she walked away.

Julie walked until she met up with Farrah.

"Hi" Farrah smiled handing Julie a beer.

"Thanks" Julie smiled.

"Julie..." AJ asked

Julie didn't turn around. Her heart started beating fast.

"Julie" AJ said again, turning her to face him.


"You look good" he smiled, "I didn't expect you to be here"

"Good, now leave me alone"

"Why wont you talk to me"

"Cause I don't want you back" She said

"Just let me explain" He pleaded

"No, go away and enjoy yourself"

"I can't if you're not with me. Please, can I just take you out?"

"You've had three years to take me out and treat me good. It's too late"

"Shhh, don't say that" Aj said

"Look, this is Howie's party, I'm here for him, not you"

"Are you staying in Orlando?"

"No, I'm going home tonight"

"Good, let me come with you. We could spend the night together and you can see that this time it's real. Julie, I don't do any of that stuff anymore"

"You sound like a broken record. All of this, I've heard it before"

Aj took her hand in his and led her to a bench that was under a tree, he motioned for her to sit down

Julie sighed sitting down

"Look at me Julie. If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me, I'll leave you alone"

Julie looked him in the eyes, the same eyes that once held so much anger held nothing but love for her, "I um, I don't..." She looked away, "AJ, I still love you, it's just that I can't be with you. You don't make me happy. I haven't been happy since we started dating. I was so scared of you that I stayed with you. You're my first everything, My first time, my first love, real boyfriend, and my first bad relationship. Staying with you would only kill me. What we had was great for you, but not me"

"Why weren't you happy? I gave you everything. I gave you a place to live, the finest things, I gave you money for clothes"

"Happy?" She snorted, "Are you serious? Aj you have got to be fuckin crazy not to see what you did to me."

"Tell me"

"No, You know already. Not only did you beat me half to death, you killed TWO of our babies"

"I'm begging you, I'll do anything, I'll take you out more, I'll buy you presents, I'll make a baby with you and I'll be a good father,  I'll treat you good I promise"

"No" she said firmly

"Julie please" he said reaching up to touch her face.

"Don't hit me!" Julie screamed blocking her face.

People turned and looked at them.

AJ looked at Julie then at everybody else, he got up and went inside the house.

"Julie" Farrah said rushing over. Julie broke down in tears as Farrah led her into the house. They saw AJ sitting on the couch with his arms crossed across his chest, "What did you do to her?" Farrah asked

"Nothing, she just started screaming" AJ said

"I...I thought he was going to hit me" Julie said wiping away some of her tears.

"God AJ, Would you just leave her alone? She doesn't want you. Who would want a sorry man who beats them all of the time. She could find much better"

"Farr-" Julie started.

Farrah walked away leaving AJ and Julie alone.

"I wasn't going to hit you" Aj finally said

Julie shrugged sitting down across from him

"Jules, how about one date?"

"Why? I'm not going back to you"

"One date, I promise, and then you can see if you wanna take me back"

"Where are you going to take me?"

AJ grinned, "I dunno yet, tomorrow?"

"Sure," she said.

~*~Next night~*~

"So keep your cell phone on, and call if he tries anything" Farrah said

"You sound like my mom"

"Please don't go out with him"

"Too late" Julie said as she saw AJ's head lights pull up.

"He's just scamming you. He knows what to do to get you back"

"How do I look?" Julie asked ignoring her

"You look good" Farrah  said opening the door. She glared at Aj as he walked in, clad in a black tux and holding a dozen roses.

"You look beautiful" he said to Julie while handing her the flowers.

"Thank you, you look good too. Farrah, put these in water?"

"Sure. Have a good time." Farrah said taking the flowers. She watched as Aj and Julie walked out to the car.

AJ drove him and Julie to a small French restaurant. He got out and opened her door. They ate and made small talk, "So I was thinking that we could go to the beach. It's right behind here" AJ said after they had ate.

"Ok" Julie nodded. They got up and walked in the warm air to the beach. Julie took off her shoes and walked with AJ.

"So what have you been up to?" AJ asked after they sat down.

"Nothing much, just hanging out at my apartment, taking care of myself"

"Do you have a job?"

"No, not yet"

"I could get you one"

"I don't want one yet"

"Oh" AJ nodded, "DO you mind if I hold your hand"

"I suppose not" Julie chuckled

"I never stopped loving you Julie"

Julie nodded while looking in his eyes. AJ slowly crept towards her and kissed her softly. Julie eagerly returned the kiss, remembering the times that AJ was gentle with her. AJ laid her body back on the sand and climbed on top of her, running his hands over her body. AJ made love to Julie on the beach.

"Wow, we've never done it at the beach before" Julie said putting on her clothes.

"I love you" Aj said kissing her cheek

Julie stood up, "I think we should get back"

Aj finished getting dressed and they walked back to the car, "Did you wanna go back to our house?"

"No, can you take me back to Kev's please"

"Can you spend the night with me, please"


"Ok, fine" AJ drove them back to Kevin's house, "I bought something for you"

Julie looked at AJ, he was holding a long black velvet box. She took it from him and opened it to reveal a diamond necklace. "Oh wow, this is so pretty. Thank you"

"it's just a little something I wanted you to have"


"So I'll walk you to the door" He said getting out. He opened the door for her and they walked to the door.

"Thank you for the night" Julie said.

"Could we maybe go out again, I really want to prove myself to you Julie"


"Do you wanna go shopping tomorrow?"

"Ok" she smiled.

AJ leant in to kiss her. Julie kissed him back before pulling away, "I love you Jules"

"I love you too AJ" She used the key Farrah gave her, "Bye"

"I'll pick you up at one"

"Ok, bye"

"Bye" He said as she closed the door

"How was it?" A voice said

"Jesus!" Julie exclaimed jumping, "You scared me"

"Sorry, did you have a good time"

"Yea" Julie nodded smiling.

"Did you...You had sex with him!" Farrah proclaimed

"Yea, it was so different than the usual. Oh God Farrah, he did it, he made me fall for him again"

"You know, You can be with him, without being serious."

"And he bought me a diamond necklace"

"Julie, Don't be stupid. He doesn't mean it. He just wants you back"

"What's so bad about that. That somebody wants me"

"Julie, You know I didn't mean it like that..."

"Well listen Farrah, stay the fuck out of my love life ok?"

"You know what? GO back to him, I don't care. But when he kicks your ass again, don't come running back to me."

"Fuck you"

"Get out" Farrah said

"You're kicking me out at one in the morning?"

"Yes, get out. We're supposed to be best friends. I'm only looking out for you"

"Whatever" Julie said turning around. She dug around in her purse until she found her car keys. She went out to the car and got in taking out her cell phone.

"Hello?" A voice asked after she dialed

"AJ. It's me, can I still come over?"

"Of course"

"K, I'll be there in a sec"
