Chapter 19


"Hey" AJ smiled opening his door for Julie. She walked in and sat on the couch.

"Thanks for letting me stay"

"Girl, this is still your house too"

Julie kissed him softly, "Let's go to bed"


"Julie" AJ whispered, "I gotta go, I'll be back later ok?"

"I'm gonna go back to Tampa" she said turning over and going back to sleep.

"Stay here till I get back. It'll only be a couple of hours"

"Mmmhmmm" she said

AJ chuckled while kissing her forehead. He left and went to the studio. An hour later Julie woke up. She looked around and then remembered some her stuff that was still in the  closet. She went in and pulled down some stuff.

"I've been looking for those" she said pulling down a shoe box. She opened it and saw it was filled with unmarked video tapes. She took them out to the main room and put the first one in, not knowing what it was. Aj popped on the screen shirtless, showing off his newly added tatoo, that's how Julie knew it was recent. The camera moved towards the bed where a petite girl was laying there naked.

"Come over here big boy and teach me a lesson" the girl said before giggling. 

Julie sat in shock, "oh my god" She fast-forwarded the tape and saw that there were numerous girls on the t.v , "Fucking asshole" she said. She got dressed and took the box with her. She got in her car and began to drive home. Her cell phone rang a while later, "Yea"

"Hey girl!"

"Rihana?" she asked. Rihana was a friend that she met in Tampa. They had immediately became close friends.

"What's up? I came by to hang out yesterday and you weren't home"

"I'm about an hour away now"

"You ok? You sound pissed"

"That asshole Aj" she muttered

"You saw him?"

"Yea..hey listen, I'll be home soon so come by in like an hour and a half.

"K" Rihana said before hanging up. Julie tried to keep her mind on the road as she drove a little faster. Before she knew it, there were flashing lights behind her.

"Mother fucker" she muttered to herself as she pulled over. "Hello" she smiled at the officer as he came up to her window.

"Ma'am, do you realize that you were going 90 miles per hour?"

"Was I?" she asked innocently

"Yes, Can I see your license and registration?"

Julie finished everything and stared down at the three hundred dollar ticket, "I can't afford this" she sighed. She drove off and shortly arrived in Tampa. She got to her apartment and saw Rihana sitting by the door.


"Hey, Ri" she said, "Sorry"

"You ok?"

"Yea I'm fine. I just got a three hundred dollar ticket though"

"For what?"

"Speeding. I better get a job" she said opening the door and letting them both in. As soon as they got in the phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Julie asked

"Why'd you leave?"

"How did you get my number?" she asked sharply

"What's the matter? You were fine last night"

"Before I found out what a perv you are"

"What?" AJ asked

Julie walked into her bedroom and closed the door so Rihana wouldn't have to hear.

"I found those tapes Aj"

"What tapes"

"Stop playing stupid!"

"What fucking tapes Julie" AJ hissed

"You're not going to yell at me ok? We're not together and I'm not going to let you disrespect me anymore. I'm not scared of you anymore AJ"

"Would you just tell me what tapes?"

"The one's of you fucking girls"

AJ was silent for a second, "I'm sorry"

"Yea me too" Julie said, "Look Aj, I don't have time for this anymore"

"Julie, We weren't even together"

"You did all of those girls in those couple of months we were apart?"


"god, you're such a slut" Julie said, "And then you sleep with me like I'm not most important thing to you"

"You are"

"No I'm not. If I was then instead of fucking girls senseless, you would have been trying to get better to get me back."

"I didn't hit any of them, so I think I'm better"

"That was the stupidest thing you've ever said. You were supposed to get help to stop hitting ME. Not other whore's who you decided to fuck and tape so you could get off on it later!"

"Whatever" Aj sighed

"Forget it AJ. That's it. I don't want to see you and I don't want you coming to get me or anything. Come even close to me and I'll call the cops and tell them every single thing you have done to me."


Julie broke down crying, "Fuck you. Do you know how much shit I go through for you? You couldn't even stay faithful to me"

"I can't say anything but I'm sorry."

"Sometimes that's not enough"

"Well, whenever you're ready I'll be here. You'll always be my first love and there's no one that could ever replace you in my heart."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later" Julie said hanging up. She changed her clothes and walked back out to Rihana.

"Hey, let's go to a club. You up for it, it'll make you feel better"

"Umm...yea, let's go"

They got dressed and went out to a club.

Julie sat at the bar sipping her pina colada.

"How you doing?" A raspy voice asked

Julie wipped her head around sharply expecting to see Aj but was actually met with a pair of peircing green eyes.

"Good, how are you?" She asked looking the guy up and down.

"My names Aaron"

"Julie" she said shaking his hand

He sat next to her and they talked the whole night.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Nothing, I'm free"

"Good, I'd love to take you out"

"Ok" She smiled

"Great, give me directions to your place and I'll pick you up at 8"

"awww, you're not gonna try to get in my pants tonight?" She giggled

"No" he laughed, "Hey, I think they're closing up."

"Yea, looks like it. I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

"Alright gorgeous"

"Bye" She smiled walking away