Chapter 20


"Hey" Julie said opening her front door. She was wearing a black sleeveless dress with black stiletto heels.

"Don't you look beautiful" he said handing her a bouquet of red long stem roses.

"Oh wow, thank you" she smiled letting him in. "You look good"

"Thank you"

"So are you ready?"

"Yep" He said taking her hand. Julie turned out the lights and locked up before walking out to Aaron's car. 

"This is nice" she said as he opened the door to his Mercedes CLK Convertible.

"Thanks" he said getting in, "What do you drive?"

"The same as you"

"No shit? You have one of these too?"


"What color?"

"Baby Blue"

"You buy it yourself?"

"It was a gift" She said quietly.

"From who?"

"My ex-boyfriend"

"Wow, let's see if I can live up to that" Aaron chuckled

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see. We'll be there soon"

They talked for a while until they pulled up to Marilyn's, a fancy resturant.

"Ever been here before?" Aaron asked opening her door and giving the valet his keys.

"Ummm, actually no" she said as he took her hand and led her in. 

"Reservations for Jackson"

"Oh yes Mr. Jackson, right this way" the hostess said. She showed them to their seats which were on the balcony with a violinist. Aaron ordered a $300.00 bottle of Champaign.

"So Julie, tell me about yourself"

"Ok, Umm, I'm 22 and used to live in Orlando. Umm, I used to live in Kentucky-"

"I thought I heard an accent, so what made you move to Orlando?"

"well my best friend's boyfriend who is also from Kentucky is in the group called Backstreet Boys, and he had a member named AJ who I met and unfortunately fell in love with and I moved down to Orlando with him and Farrah moved down with Kevin so yea."

"How long were you and AJ together?"

"three and a half years"

"wow, so was he pretty well off?"

"AJ has money coming out of his butt. Well off doesn't even begin to describe him"

"So what made you guys break up?"

Julie took a deep breath and then sighed in relief as the waiter came over and  took their order. Julie changed the subject and they ate.

"So where do you wanna go?" Aaron asked as they got in his car, "Wanna go watch a movie at my house?"

"Ok" Julie smiled. They drove to Aaron's house.

"You have a nice home. What is it you do exactly?"

"I'm in college, that's it."

"That's all? How can you afford all of this?"

"I guess I forgot to mention that my father owns the Orlando Magic"

"Just a small detail" Julie laughed as he led her in, "So you have this all to yourself? Pretty snazy for a young guy. How old are you anyways?"

"23" he said tossing his keys on the table and walking into the den, "What do you feel like watching?"

"Whatever is good to me" Julie said slipping off her shoes and sitting next to him. The credits for love and basketball started, "Oh,  I love this movie"

Aaron wrapped his arm around her shoulder. After about an hour he looked down and saw that Julie was sleeping  in his arms. He kissed her forehead and picked her up taking her to his room. He laid her under the covers and then got under them himself.

"Aaron?" Julie asked waking up the next morning.

"Hey" he said coming out of the bathroom, "Sleep well?"

"Yea, sorry I fell asleep"

"No problem, You busy today?"

"No are you?"

"Nope, how does a basketball game sound?"

"I suck at basketball"

"I mean we can go watch the Orlando game"

"Who are they playing?"

"San Antonio"

"Sure, I'm down" She grinned, "What time is the game?"

"7, let's go up to Orlando in a couple of hours though and we can just hang out. My parents are up there so maybe you can meet them"

"You want me to meet your parents already?"


"Ummm, ok" she said softly, "Can we go back to my place so I can get some clothes?"

"Of course, get a bathing suit and a change of clothes just in case we don't wanna drive back"


They drove back to her place and got her clothes.


"So where did you used to live?"

"In Sunset Oak Estates"

"No Shit? That's exactly where my parents live? What's the address?"


"Wow, that's like four houses down"

"Great" she muttered as they drove towards the gated community.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea umm, It's just a little soon. I wasn't planning on coming back this close to him"

"What did he do to make you hate him?"

"It's just a really long story"

They drove by Aj's house and saw a bunch of cars parked outside.

"Looks like something big"

"It's always something big"

Aaron pulled into his parent's driveway which happened to by right across the street from AJ's.

"This is too much of a coincidence." Julie laughed getting out. She walked up the driveway with Aaron. He opened the front door.


"Hey honey" she smiled coming out of the kitchen.

"Hi" he smiled kissing her cheek, "This is Julie"

"Is this your girlfriend?"

"Ummm..." He asked looking at Julie

"Yes" she smiled shaking his mother's hand.

"You look so familiar"

"I used to live right across the street"

"Oh, when did you move?"

"Umm, about a month or two ago"

"well the house never went up for sell."

"My ex still lives there"

"Ohhh, so that musician is your ex-boyfriend. I can't remember his name, but my neice loves Nick"


"Oh yes, so are you going to the game tonight?"

"Yea" Aaron said taking her hand, "Ok, well we're gonna go eat ok?"

"Sure honey"

Julie was grateful to Aaron for getting her out of there. As soon as they walked out of the door AJ looked towards the house and saw Julie. Julie froze.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked

Aj walked across the street to where Julie and Aaron were.

Julie quickly held onto Aaron's hand a little tighter.

"Hi" AJ said


"What are you doing here?"

"I'm going out with my boyfriend"

"I'm your boyfriend"

"Ex" Julie said, "You're my ex-boyfriend"

"So anyways, who is this?"

"This is Aaron"

"Aj" AJ said sticking out his hand.

"A pleasure" Aaron said shaking it.

"So anyways..." Julie said, "We're gonna get going"

"Can I talk to you really fast?"

"I'm right here"

"In private"

"No" Julie said shaking her head, "Let's go Aaron"


"Aj, go back home. Don't make a scene where you embarrass both of us."

"I was nothing but good to you, how could you do this?"

   Julie got in the car and waited for Aaron. Aaron got in and left.

~*~After the game~*~

"I had so much fun, thank you" Julie said kissing Aaron deeply.

"Me too" They went up to his bedroom.

Julie took off her shirt and laid down. Aaron crawled on top of her, "Make sure we're quiet ok? My parents are right next door"

"K" she nodded.


"Mmmm, that was nice" Julie said cuddling up to Aaron.

"Yea" Aaron said rubbing her arm.

"I feel so comfortable with with, it's weird"

"I know, I swear girl, you will be the one I marry"

Julie just smiled at him and enjoyed the fact that she was being treated well. Her cell phone went off.

"Hello?" she asked

"Hey chick" Farrah said

"Hey Farr, What's up?"

"So why is my best friend across the street from me and I'm not with her?"

"You're at AJ's?"

"Yea everybody is. It's a pre-tour party"

"They just got off of tour"

"I know, second leg"


"Come over"

"I'm with Aaron"

"Well I wanna meet this boy"

"Hold on" Julie said, she turned over and looked at Aaron, "Do you wanna go across to the party really fast, I wanna see my best friend"

"Whatever you wanna do babe"

"Alright Farrah, we'll be over in like five minutes ok?"

"Ok bye"

They got dressed and walked across the street

"It's so nice out" Julie said as they got to the big gate in front. She took out her key and opened it.

"You still have to key?"

"He never asked for it back, and the last time I left I left in a hurry."

"You're gonna tell me why you guys broke up right?"

"I'll tell you tonight ok, I promise"

"Ok" he said kissing her cheek. They walked in the front door and was met with an empty living room.

"Where is everybody?"

"Probably in the backyard" she said taking his hand and walking with him to the back where there was loud music and a bunch of people drinking and dancing.

Julie scanned the crowed until she found Farrah sitting next to Kevin, "Come on, she's over there"

They walked over to Kevin adn Farrah.

"Hey Jules!" Farrah hopped up and hugged her.

"Hey girl, ohhh, look at your belly, How many months are we now?"

"Four, I miss you"

"I miss you too."

"Am I invisible?" Kevin asked

"I'm sorry kev, "Julie laughed giving him a hug, "Oh, this is Aaron, Aaron this is my best friend in the whole wide world Farrah and her husband Kevin"

"How's it goin?" Aaron said shaking their hands.

"Isn't it a coincidence that Aaron's parents live right across from AJ" Julie said looking around to make sure Aj wasn't anywhere near.

"Oh, so you guys own the Orlando Magic right?" Kevin asked


"We just came back from a game actually" Julie said as Aaron sat down. She sat on his lap.

"Oh damn" Farrah muttered, "here comes AJ"

Hey" Aj smiled. It was obvious he was a little drunk, "Wanna dance Julie?"

"No thanks"

"Awww, it's the least you owe me. We can talk a little bit"

"I'd rather not"

"Please?" AJ asked softly taking her hand and rubbing his thumb on her smooth skin.

"AJ, I have a boyfriend ok? Don't you think it's a little rude."

"We've been together for three years, I think he understands, don't you Aaron?"

"Yea, it's fine with me" he shrugged.

Julie stood up and walked with away with AJ. They sat in two lawn chairs by the pool.

"Are you still mad at me for the whole tape thing?"


"Julie, I really do love you. I've been going crazy thinking about how I might never get a chance to love you again."

"You had three years to love me. The only times I heard those words come from your mouth was when you were apologizing for hurting me. I'm just happy not being in pain anymore. I wanna be treated with love and respect and I want someone to value me. So far, Aaron does that for me."

"It's an act, there's no way that he'll ever feel the same way for you that I do"

"You're right, He'll always hold love and compassion for me, while you'll hold anger adn hate and see me as a punching bag."

"If you just gave me a chance I could show you that I'd never lay one hand on you again. I'd never do anything to hurt you or make you cry"

"You are such a liar"

"I'm not lying this time. I mean it and I wanna do anything to keep you happy"

"If you want me happy Aj, leave me alone"

"You always wanted to get married and have a baby with me. I'll do that"

Julie just shook her head.

"Stay right here please, I'll be right back" Aj ran in the house and came back out a couple of minutes later. He turned off the music, "Can everybody just stop and listen to me for a sec"

Everybody just stopped what they were doing and turned towards Aj who was kneeling next to Julie. Aaron, Farrah and Kevin moved to the front.

"I've done so many things to this girl that I'm not proud of. Only a few of you know what that is but I'm so sorry. For three years Julie and I shared a house, a bed, dogs and love and I would hate to throw it all away for some stupid mistakes that I've made. So on that note, Julie, will you marry me?" AJ said pulling a black velvet box from his pocket. There sat a giant diamond ring.

Julie sat there.

"Come on Julie, say yes and we can get on with our lives and be happy and have babies and be like Kevin and Farrah. I promise I'm changed."

"why are you doing this to me?"


"No, No I wont marry you" She stood up and walked past Aaron. He followed her out and back to his house trying to comfort Julie the whole way back.

"Why are you crying?"

"I didn't want to see him?"

"It's over now ok?"

"Yea" she nodded, "I'm not always this full of drama" she laughed

"I know, listen, let's go to bed ok?"


~*~Middle of the night~*~

"Hello?" Julie whispered answering her phone.

"Jules, it's farrah, Ummm, I really think something might be wrong with AJ. He's like suicidal."


"I think he just realized he lost you. Seeing you with Aaron really shocked him and then when you said no in front of everybody."

"What should I do?"

"Just come over for a second. Talk to him"

"Ok, I'm on my way...are you there too?"

"Yea, me and Kev are here."

"If I come over, you guys have to stay there and promise to protect me ok?"


"Ok, bye" Julie hung up and looked at Aaron who was still sleeping. She got up and put on her shoes before walking over. She wrote Aaron a note saying she'd be back and that she had taken his house key. She went inside Aj's house to see Him, Farrah and Kevin sitting on the couch. Aj was crying opn Farrah's shoulder.

"Why the fuck are you crying?" Julie asked

"Whoa" Kevin said taken back by her statement.

"No I'm serious, I'm finally happy and you're so damn selfish that you'd rather have me be with you and be unhappy and be beat up and shit cause you keep telling yourself your better. Well guess what Alex, you're not! You're just as fucked up in the mind as you were two months ago. Nothing about you changed except for the fact that you're alone and you have to go pay for your pussy. So don't have people call me up at three in the morning to comfort you."

"I-" He started, "Look Julie. I know you think you're happy, but there's so much that we have and I just need time to show you. The last time you left was because you found some tapes, not because I hit you."

"You disrespected me!"

"I don't want to fight with you."

"Well what?"

"Can we just talk for the night?"

Julie sat down, "go ahead"

"by ourselves?"

"Try anything with me and I'm calling the police ok?"

"Alright" he agreed

Farrah and Kevin got up and went into the backyard.

"Why wont you marry me?" Aj asked looking into her eyes.

"You'll never change. we were practically married. We did everything that married people did, except the love wasn't there."

"What? the love was there, is there"

"Maybe for you, but I wasn't in love, I was scared"

"You told me you loved me all the time"

"I do love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore. I stopped that after you made me feel like I was worthless."

"I love you so much. I've never felt this way for anybody before. You're it Julie. You're my life, I would do anything to have you happy and to have you with me"

"Blah blah blah blah blah, how many times have I heard this before"

"This time I'm real"

"No you're not" she said simply, "there is nothing that you could say to make me go back to you"

Aj just looked at her, "Please?"


He stood up and sat next to her, "Please?" he asked kissing her neck, making sure to hit her spot.

"Mmm," she moaned, "No, Aj stop"

"Shhh, watch. Just lay there and let me pleasure you"

"No" she said standing up, "I gotta go"


"Here" she said handing him his keys, "Now, let's end our relationship for good ok? No contact, no anything ok?"

Aj stood there for a second before taking his keys back, "Ok"

Julie opened the door and looked at him one last time, "I love you ok? And I want you to go and find another girl and treat her like she's a princess ok?"

"Alright" Aj nodded, "One question, have you had sex with him yet?"

"That's none of your business."

Julie walked across the street and back into Aaron's house. She went back up to his room and laid down.

"Where'd you go?" Aaron asked wrapping his arm around her waist.

"I had to take care of something really fast"

"Oh" he said softly before going back to sleep.