Chapter 21

~*~Three months later~*~

Julie and Aaron arrived at Aaron's house for Thanksgiving dinner.

"You're parents are so great" She said

"They love you" Aaron smiled opening her door and letting her out, "looks like AJ's having thanksgiving at his house."

"Yea, we always do...did I mean"

"Come on"

~*~After Dinner~*~

"Let's go visit everybody across the street" Julie said

"Ok, We'll be back"

Julie and Aaron walked across the street and walked to the door and knocked.

"Yes?" A girl who Julie had never seen before answered

"Hey, can we come in?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Julie asked back

"You're the one who came to my house, so who are you?"

"Wait, this is Aj's house"

"And I'm his girlfriend"

"Oh" Julie smiled, "Well I'm Julie, so if you'd step aside, I'm sure everyone would be happy to see me"

"Jessica, who is it?" Aj asked coming up, "Oh hi" he smiled, "How are you?"


"Come in, did you guys eat already?"

"Yea, we just wanted to say hi to everybody"

"I'm glad you stopped by"

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"This is jessica, jessica this is my ex-girlfriend Julie and her boyfriend Aaron" he said. He had a scowl on his face when he introduced Aaron.

They walked in the living room where everybody was hanging out.

"Hey Julie!" Brian said hopping up. He hugged her followed by leighanne. After everybody was greeted and introduced, Julie and Aaron sat down.

"Julie Come here" Farrah said

Julie followed farrah into another room, "Does she live here?"

"No, she just stays here a lot. Did you notice anything?


"He hits her"

"Oh my god"

"But like he hits her anytime he thinks of you and Aaron. And he tells her that she's nothing compared to you"

"I don't wanna go through this. Their relationship isn't like ours was. Like we had love in the beginning, but like he's just using her. If she's stupid enough to go through it then that's her fault. All I know is that I've never been happier"

"You're not even going to say anything?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"I dunno, let's just go back"

They walked back in.

"So what have you been up to?" Aj asked Julie.

"Nothing, we've just been hanging around and stuff"

"Do you live together?"



"So Julie, are you still a stripper?" Jessica asked

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, aren't you the cheap whore I saw hanging out on the corner of Martin Luther King Street?"

"Listen you broke bitch, you don't know shit about me so shut the fuck up before I make you"

Jessica was about to say something before Aj excused them. They went up to his room and Aj came back a couple of minutes later.

Aaron looked at Julie strangly

"Well, we're going back to Miami tonight, so we'd better be going. AJ, can I get something out of your room?"


Julie went up to his room and walked in. Jessica was staring at her bruised face in the mirror.

"I'm sorry" Jessica said.

"It's cool," Julie said going into the closet and pulling out the rest of her clothes. She grabbed the jewelry that she had left and walked out. "You ready Aaron?"

"Yea" He said getting up from watching the game with the others.

"Aww, you're not gonna stay for the game?" Nick asked

"The lady says we have to go" He laughed

"You can stay, I just thought you wanted to go" She said sitting down in between him and Nick.

"So what are you guys doing the rest of the night?" Leighanne asked

"Nothing, just going back home"

Aj sat across from them with a drink in his hand. He watched everything that Aaron and Julie did and tapped his foot angerly.

After the game Julie stood up to say her goodbyes. She hugged everyone except Aj.

"I'm gonna come down to Miami ok?" Farrah said hugging her again.

"Alright, I love you" Julie said

"Me too"

"Don't stay away too long" Leighanne said

"I wont, take care guys."

"Where are you going for Christmas?" Howie asked

"I think I'm going to Kentucky."

"So are we!" Kevin said, we could fly together.

"Sure" Julie said, "Ok, we really have to go"

AJ stood up and opened the door.

Aaron walked out and Aj held Julie back.


"Can I have a hug too?"


"Why not?" he asked quietly

"Not right now ok?"

"Does he treat you good?"


"Are you happy?"


"And does he buy you everything and take care of you like I did?"

"I don't need him to take care of me. But yes, he does buy me stuff, more than you ever did"

"All that shit in your hands is shit I brought for you so don't give me that"

"No, we're not gonna sit here and argue about who treated me better. We both know the answer so get away from me."

Aj just stared at her.

Julie stared back at him, "Fuck you AJ"

"Excuse me"

"Fuck you for being a stupid asshole. You think you can just hurt women and do whatever you want to them, well you can't and if Jessica is stupid enough to let you hurt her..."

"Stupid like you were?"

By now both of them were screaming at each other.

"Yea," she nodded, "Stupid like me. Now get the fuck away from me"


"What do you mean no?" She asked trying to shake him off.

"We're gonna be together, and you'll see that it's me that you really want and when he's fucking you and there's nothing there, you'll see"

"How many times did me and you have sex Aj?" Julie asked tapping her finger against her cheek, "Ummm, I can recall getting RAPED a lot, but I don't remember actually having sex with you."

Aj looked around at everybody then back at Julie, "Thanks a lot"

"Your welcome" she smiled before turning and walking away.

"How about we don't go over here anymore, baby" Aaron said taking her hand

"you got my vote" she laughed. They went back to his house and got in his car and began to drive back.

"Why did you guys break up?" Aaron asked after  while.

"He was abusive" she said softly.

"He hit you?"

"For three years"

"Damn, I want you to know I'd never do anything to hurt you ok?"

"I know" she smiled taking his hand.

"Why would he hit you?"

"I dunno. Whenever he was drunk or pissed off at me he would beat me and tell me how worthless I was"

"Why'd you put up with it for three years, baby?"

"I loved him" she shrugged, " and he promised to get better and stop. Anyways, whenever I treid to leave him, he'd force me to be with him"

"So what made you leave him?"

"Geez, you have a lot of questions huh babe?"

"I just want to know. This is the first time you'll talk to me about it"

"ok, ummm, we had got into a really bad fight while on tour. Aj thought I was cheating on him when I gave this guy my e-mail so his sister could e-mail me. And then he just beat the shit out of me in his dressing room and even a day later when we got on the bus he beat me because I was walking funny-"

"Did he rape you too? Is that what you were talking about?"

"He raped me all the time. So that's when I left and I moved to Miami."

"and met me" he grinned

~*~Aaron's house~*~

Julie's car was at his house and she walked over to it.

"Why don't you stay here tonight?"

"ok" she smiled walking with his into his house.

"I'm hungry again" he said going into the kitchen and popping some popcorn. He came back out with the popcorn and two sodas. Julie was watching MTV.

"Thanks" she smiled taking the soda

after a while, there decided to go to bed. Julie changed into a long shirt of Aaron's and laid down. Aaron laid in his boxers kissed Julie.

"You're so cute" she smiled pinching his cheek.

"I know"

Julie rolled on top of him and sat up so she was straddling him.

"Oohhh, I like this" Aaron said slipping his hands up her shirt and squeezing her breast.

"Hey!" she giggled, "did I say anything about nookie tonight?"

"Please?" he asked sticking out his bottom lip.

"Well let me think" she said

He thrusted his pelvis towards her.

"Nope" she said getting off of him and laying back down.

"Oh come on" he said getting on top of her.

"No" she said shaking her head. 

He pulled off her panties and kissed her.

"I fucking said no!" she said pushing him off of her. She stood up and put her clothes on.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked getting up also.

"Just leave me alone" she sniffed putting on her shoes. she got her keys and looked for her purse.

"Where's my purse"

"What is wrong with you?"

"I told you no" she said looking at him, her eyes full of hurt

"I thought you were kidding! You're the one who started all the sexual stuff"

"Well my bad for not wanting to be raped"

"You thought I was going to rape you? I would never-"

"That's the same thing he said too, why should I believe you?"

"You can't compare me to him. He did horrible things to you, and I'm sorry that happened, but I have never laid a hand on a woman, and I never will"

She stood there for a second.

Aaron walked over to her, "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Me too" she said wiping away her tear and giving him a hug.

"I love you" he said pulling back and looking in her eyes.

"You do?"


"Aww, I love you too baby, come on" she said taking his hand and leading him back to his room.

"Let's just go to bed ok?"

"Ok" she said. She changed again and laid back down. Her cell phone rang.

"Who is it?" Aaron asked

"Umm, Farrah's cell" she said before answering it, "Hello?"

"Hi Julie" Aj said

"Why are you calling me from Farrah's phone?"

"Cause I know You wouldn't answer if it was me"

"Well what?" 

"I feel really bad about today and I'm so sorry"


"Where are you?"

"Don't worry about it. I gotta go"

"do you wanna go to New York with me?"


"Why not, your boyfriend can come to"

"No, I'd rather not be alone with you in another state."

"I said he could come too"

"No, It's ok"

"ok...Ummm, how are you doing financially?"

"I'm ok"

"If you need any help, I'll help you. No strings attached."

"Thanks" she said wondering where he was going.

"Ok, I'll let you get back to what you were doing"

"Ok, bye."

"I love you"

"Bye" she said hanging up. Her and Aaron fell asleep watching TV.