Chapter 6

"Julie" Diana said walking back into the room.

"Yea?" Julie said as she finished getting her stuff together.

"We better get going"

"K" She said as Diana grabbed her bags. They walked down stairs past AJ. After they got it in Julie's Corvette, they got ready to go.

"Julie" AJ said from the door way.

"Yea?" She asked looking back at him.

He walked up to her and hugged her tightly, "I love you, baby" he said as tears came to his eyes

"I love you too" She sobbed, "I'm gonna call you when we get back to Kentucky"

"You're going to Kentuky?" He asked sadly

"Yea, I wanna see my family" She said.

AJ laughed lightly as he heard the small southern accent she still had came out.

"Ok, I'll see you"

"When are you coming back?" He finally asked

"I told you I don't know. When I think the times right"

AJ nodded kissing her cheek, "Bye"


~*~ 3 months Later ~*~

Julie sat at the Orlando, Airport waiting for AJ to pick her up. She was scared as hell that he hadn't changed, or that he wouldn't like what she did to her self. While in Kentuky, Julie put highlights in her hair and got honey brown contacts. She sat there for about thirty more minutes until she decided to call Farrah.

"Hello?" Farrah asked as she walked out of the mall.

"Hey girl" She squeled, "Where you at?" She asked as Kevin let her in the car.

"The airport. AJ was supposed to get me...but he's not here. You'd think he'd want to see me." She said sadly but stopped when she saw him looking around. "He's here" She smiled, "bye"

"Bye" Farrah said hanging up.

AJ spotted Julie and walked over smiling widely.

Julie stood up, "Hi"

"Hey girl" he said hugging her tightly, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" She said laying her head on his shoulder.

~*~ Their house~*~

AJ helped Julie into the house, "So what did you do to your hair?"

"You don't like it?" She asked, "Diana and I highlighed our hair"

"I love it, and the eyes"

"Thanks," she smiled, "So, did you go to the meetings?"

"Well no..."

"AJ" She whinned, "That was the agreement, you promised"

"I know, but I stopped on my own"

Julie walked into the kitchen and opened the fride, "Yea" she muttered as she saw a twenty pack of beer.

"Well I figured I could have a beer once and a while"

"Not when you drink to damn much" She sighed, "Look, I just got home, let's not fight"

AJ nodded, "I really did miss you baby"

"I missed you too" She smiled letting her hands trace his chest.

~*~ 2 hours later~*~

Julie layed in bed with the sheet over her body. She looked at AJ's sleeping form and smiled. She slowly got up and took a quick shower before getting dressed.

"Hey beautiful" AJ said waking up, "Where ya going?"

"To see Farrah. I haven't seen her in a while" She smiled slipping on her shoes, "What are we doing for Christmas?" She asked

"I dunno yet" AJ shrugged, "Can't you see Farrah tommorow?"

"Why?" She asked

"Because I miss you"

"I'm right here" She smiled

AJ pulled her down on his lap.

"baby" she laughed, "You don't have any clothes on" she said feeling him growing beneath her.

"I wanna make love to you again" He whispered kissing her neck softly.

"Yea?" She asked softly

"Yea" he nodded slipping her shirt over her head.

"I just took a shower" She mumbled as AJ un buttoned her jeans and slipped them off.

"I like these" he said referring to her pink thongs that said 'My man says I'm a princess'

~*~2 hours later~*~

"Damn" Julie sighed as AJ came inside of her for the 6th time.

AJ kissed her shoulders and started down her body

"AJ, I can't, no more" She said lightly pushing him off.

"Did I wear you out" He laughed

"Yah" She nodded closing her eyes.

AJ layed his head on her chest, "It feels so good to have to next to me again"

"Yah" She nodded running a hand through his hair, "You gonna die your hair again baby?"


"I dunno, I'm just not used to seeing you with brown hair"

"Oh" AJ laughed, "Yeah I might"

"Can I go see Farrah now?"

" thought you weren't gonna see her till tommorow" he whinned, "Let's just lay like this"

~*~Next Morning~*~

Julie rolled over and looked at the clock. She pulled the covers back over her head.

"Julie" AJ said, "I got rehersals ok"

"Ok" she nodded, "See you later"

"Be here when I get back"

"I might be with Farr"

AJ rolled his eyes walking out

After he left Julie got dressed and went over to Farrah's house

"Hey!" Farrah screamed opening the door and wrapping her arms around Julie

"Hey, I missed ya"

"Me too! come in" she said letting her in, "I'll be right back" she said

Julie sat down and looked through Farrah's magazines. She picked up US Weekly and flipped through the pages until she saw a big picture of herself. 'Backstreet Boy AJ McLean dumps his girl for a new beauty. Sources say that AJ Mclean got rid of his old flame of three years and got with a older 27 year old. Julie Jones was said to have left the house that she shared with Mclean in a batch of tears with her sister, Diana. Three days later, AJ had a new woman in his house and they didn't come out for days. The reason for the break-up? Domestic Violence. A close friend of Julie's said that AJ had been hitting her ever since they got together back in late 1998. Julie had enough and left the arms of another woman.'

Julie turned around and saw Farrah walk down teh stairs, "When did you get this?"

"Oh, I got it in the mail today. I haven't looked at it yet"

"Look" Julie said sadly handing it to her.

Farrah sat down reading the article, "Ohh....Julie, It's probably not true. We never saw her"

"He wouldn't let you guys see her. And how did they find out that he hit me?"

"I dunno girl. Maybe kevin could set you up a press conference and you could set everything strait--" She said before AJ and Kevin burst through the door.

"What the fuck is this!" AJ screamed, throwing down a news paper.

"I don't know! I just read it too" Julie said

"Why did this happen right when you get back?" Kevin asked sitting down looking at the pictures.

"This is fucked up Julie. You knew I was sorry and that I was gonna stop. But no, you had to go and sell our damn life to the tabliods!"

"I didn't sell shit AJ! And who the fuck is the girl you're with?"

"Don't worry about it"

"Don't worry about it? Oh hell No. You are out your mind if you think I'm gonna let you give me the thrid degree but you won't answer a question for me"

"We didn't do anything alright!" He screamed at her

"Kevin, make him calm down" Farrah said

"He has every right to be mad. She's the one who told"

"AJ leave!" Farrah said

Julie stood up, "I knew you'd never change AJ."

"I did!" He exclaimed

"Just go home" she said calmly

AJ just looked at her then shook his head, "You fucked me bad Jules, I never thought you'd do that"

"I told you I didn't do it!" She screamed

"Don't fuckin yell at me!"

"Fuck You!"

"No, fuck you" he said getting in her face

She pushed him back, "Don't even think about it"

AJ back-slapped her, making her fall to the ground.

Kevin just looked at her and walked up the stairs.

"Kevin!" Farrah yelled, "Get back here"

Kevin ignored her and closed the door.

"Come on Julie" AJ said helping her stand up

She didn't say anything while standing up.

AJ walked her outside.

Julie waved to Farrah while walking out. AJ opened the passenger door for her and she got in.

AJ sighed shutting it behind her and getting in on his own side.

Julie wipped away a tear as it slipped down her half swollen face. She stared at her hands the whole way home.

"I'm sorry" AJ said, "I didn't mean to hit you."

"No, you didn't mean to do it in front of anybody" she said softly

"I'm sorry" he said again, while parking.

Julie got out of the car and walked in the house. She sat on the couch as AJ sat next to her.

"Don't touch me" She said moving away from him and standing up

"Baby...don't be mad"

"Maybe when you realize that you can't help yourself"

"I stopped drinking"

"You just hit me!" She screamed at him, "GOD you are so dumb! I hate you!"

AJ just walked upstairs before he got mad at her.

"Don't just walk away from me!" she said standing up

"What do you want me to do Julie! I'm sorry!"

"I thought we could fix it, but obviously we can't. Let's just move on"

"You already have a man huh?" AJ accused

"No!" She said

"Yes you do. Ever since we got home you've been looking for a reason to get mad at me. And you finally broke me"

"Oh, don't even try to blame this on me"

"I don't know what is gonna happen with us. I don't want you to go, but if that's what you want, go ahead" He said before walking up the stairs.

Julie just sat on the couch, "This is just great, I knew he'd do the guilt trip on me"