Chapter 7


"AJ?" Julie whispered going into their room. He was sleeping somewhat peacefully. She sighed. She couldn't leave him. He was her heart, her everything. She felt empty with out him and she knew that they would be together forever.

She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him.

AJ opened his eyes sensing someone staring at him.

"Hey" She said

AJ sat up and looked down at the bed, not wanting to look at what he did to her face.

"You know, I'm so confused about us. I love you more than anything in the whole world. You know that right?"

"Yea" He nodded

"I'm just not doing it anymore. I can't take you hitting me. I mean AJ, you know what happenes when you get mad. I'm terrified of you. Everytime I see you, I wonder if you're drunk, or if I might say something to piss you off. I'm afriad that next'll kill me"

AJ just stared at her, "I didn't know" he said softly.

"That I'm scared of you?"

"Yea, I didn't know"

"Well I am" She said

"Come here" He said motioning for her to come closer.

She hesitated before crawling over to him.

He pulled her onto his lap. "I don't know what to say except for I'm sorry and I love you"

Julie sat there before she broke out in tears.

"Shhhhhh, " He whispered running a hand through her hair

"I'm pregnant" she sobbed

"What?" AJ whispered

"Yah, I found out in Kentucky"

"How far?"

"3 months. I'm not keeping it"

"Why not?"

"Because, I don't want it to live like I am"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not having a baby so that you can hit it" She said standing up after wiping her tears

"god fuckin dammit!" AJ screamed at her, "I'm fuckin sorry ok! I said it a million times already. I know I hit you ok? You don't need to tell me every other second!"

"How do you want me to get it through your thick skull AJ? If somebody doesn't tell you then you keep on doing it again and again and fuckin again. I don't get it. I don't need you AJ. I want you in my life, but I don't need you."

"Yes you do. You're nothing without me" He said walking closer to her.

"Fuck you"

"Remember Julie, you have no job, no money, everything you have comes from me. I can take it all away"

"Take it" she shrugged before being pushed on the bed

"Cocky bitch" He muttered looking at her evil glare. He climbed on top of her and roughly grabbing her chin.

"Don't AJ" She said as she started to feel him roam her body


Julie cried out as AJ struck her again. He had hit her so many times that her whole body was numb.

"Does this hurt yet Julie" He laughed hitting her with the belt again.

Julie caughed holding her stomach try to protect herself.

"I asked you a question!"

"Yes" She sobbed.

"Good" He said before hitting her one last time, "Get up"

Julie looked down and saw the huge welts that he left on her. AJ walked out of the room leaving Julie lying naked on the floor.

She rolled over and stood up trying to catch her breath. Julie looked at herself in the mirror. "I can't take it anymore" she cried pulling out a rasor blade. She drug it deep across her wrist and slid down the door watching the blood pour out.


AJ woke up at three in the morning after his big fight with Julie. He stood up and walked upstairs, "Julie!" he called. He slowly walked into their room and saw the drops of blood on the floor, "Damn" he muttered picking up the clothes and throwing them on a chair. He walked to the bathroom and tried to open the door but something was blocking it, "Julie baby, you gotta move" He pushed harder and finally got it opened, "Oh my god" He said getting sick. Julie was layed out on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood. He saw the swollen welt laying down her wrist.

"Julie" he sobbed kneeling down and lifting her head into his lap, "baby"

He heard her make an incoherant noise, "Please Julie, don't die on me" he said getting up and grabbing the phone. He dialed 911

"911 emergency"

"My girlfriend, she's dying" he said between tears

"What happened sir?" She asked sending an ambulance over with a poilice officer.

"She tried to kill herself"

"did she take pills?"

"No, she slit her wrist" he said looking at her lifeless body

"Alright sir, I need you to go and put some pressure on it and an ambulance will be there soon"

"Ok" AJ nodded turning off the phone and kneeling back to her.

"Help me...." Julie mumbled feeling herself falling deeper

"I am" AJ cried holding her closley, "just wait baby. It'll be ok"

AJ heard the sirens and ran downstairs letting them in the gate. They rushed in and up the stairs. AJ watched as they worked quickly, putting her on the strecher while giving her oxygen at the same time.

"You coming sir?" A police man asked

"Yea" Aj nodded grabbing his wallet and keys. He followed the strecher into the ambulance.


"AJ" Farrah said coming in followed by Kevin, "What happened? I want the truth and I want it now"

"She tried to kill herself" He said playing with the rings on his fingers.

"Why?" She asked

"I dunno"

"Don't give me that bull shit! I know you had something to do with it AJ. I know you probably kicked her ass and left her no choice! You are sich a fuckin ass hole! How could you do this to her! You're supposed to love her!"

"I do love her"

"No you don't. If you loved her, my best friend wouldn't be in there right now"

"She did this on her own"

Farrah started to charge at AJ before she was caught by Kevin

"You will go to hell!" She said breaking away from Kevin and sitting down.

"Mr Mclean" The doctor said

"Is she ok?"

"Yes, she's stable now, but she's had a pretty good beating. I know that I'm not supposed to find out about this, but the police man will ask you questions about it. Also, it seems as though Miss Smith was raped. Did you know about this?"


The doctor sighed, "Mr Mclean, the DNA matches you"

"I didn't rape her. We had sex but it wasn't rape"

"Alright" the doctor nodded, "She's awake so you can go in"

AJ followed the doctor in and stopped when he saw how beat up Julie was, even after they cleaned her up. "Jules" He said

She turned her head and looked at him.

He sat down in the chair next to him."How ya feeling?"

She didn't say anything.

"Baby, I know you're mad at me, but I didn't try to kill myself here"

"Why didn't you let me die?" She whispered

"Because I love you" He said moving the hair out of her face.

Tears just poured out of her eyes. The door opened and a female policewoman walked in.

"Hello, Miss Smith. You doing alright?"

"Yea" Julie nodded

"Great, You think I could get a few words with you alone"

"Sure" she said

"I'll be right outside" AJ said walking out and leaning against the wall.

"Miss Smith, I'm not gonna ask you about the Attempted suicide, but I need to know about the beating you had."

"Oh" she whispered

"Do you know who did it to you?"


"No? Ok, let's start from the beggining. What happened today?"

"I dunno" Julie shrugged

"Miss smith, I need to know what happened from the time you woke up this morning"

"Ok" Julie nodded, "Well this morning I went to my friends house and we hung out until AJ and Kevin got back from rehersals. Then AJ and I went home and then AJ left and went to the mall and some guy just came in the house and tried to rape me. Anyway, he just kept hitting me over and over until he just ran away. I thought that the only way to forget about the pain was to kill myself."

"So AJ didn't come back home until three in the morning?"

"I guess" Julie said

"Do you want us to do a search on this guy?"

"No" Julie said

"Oh, Miss smith, did you and AJ have sex today?"

"No" Julie shook her head

"Alright" the police woman said. She walked out to AJ.

"Can I go back in?" AJ asked

"Yea" she said walking away. She caught up with her partner, "He did it to her"

"How do you know?"

"Cause the doctor said that she was raped by AJ and she says that they didn't have sex."

"Alright" The police man said as the two walked away


"So the doctor said you can come home tommorow" Aj said holding Julie's hand

She didn't say anything while looking around the room. She lifted up the covers and saw the welts on her thighs.

"I'm so sorry" AJ said

"I know you are" She said squeezing his hand

"I love you"

"I love you too AJ." She said. She didn't understand why she loved him, she just knew she did.

"When you get home, I'm gonna take good care of you ok? I'm gonna wash you and love you and kiss you and hug you and let you know how much I love you, ok?"

"Ok" She smiled. All of the sudden, AJ looked softer and sweeter then he ever did in his life. "You went to the mall today and didn't come upstairs until you found me, ok?"

"Ok" he said kissing her hands. He turned one of them over and looked at the bandage covering her wound, "We can get that lasered off if you want"


"did they say if the baby is ok?"

"Yea, it's fine" Julie said softly

"I'm gonna let you get some sleep ok?" AJ asked

"You're leaving?"

"Well, I can stay if you want"

"I want you to" she nodded closing her eyes